The Laurentian Conference of Rheumatology has a long history dating back to a time before rheumatology existed as a specialty. It began with the expansion of a company first established in 1947 by pioneers of rheumatology in Quebec, doctors HP Wright and René Dandurand. Together they created a section of rheumatology in the ”Montreal Medical Surgical Society”(Med-Chi). In 1965 their work further evolved with the creation of the Laurentian Conference of Rheumatology.
The conference was created to provide a venue for exchange of views on the recent progress in research and treatment of rheumatic diseases targeted towards medical professionals and others interested in rheumatic diseases. As the creators of the conference wanted, each year the program reflects upon the work of local researchers, and the concerns of local clinicians. The presence of speakers with national or international reputations has always been an integral part of the conference and a great opportunity for open discussion in a friendly atmosphere. For five consecutive years the conference was held in the Laurentians, and after a five-year hiatus, was brought back to life by Dr. Roger Demers in 1974 at Mont Tremblant Lodge. Since then the conference has taken place every year without interruption and has earned a reputation as the most important rheumatologic meeting in eastern Canada.