- Caitlyn Kanters – A Dwarf Overshadowing a Giant. A Case Report.
- Michèle Stanciu – A Special Case of Antiphospholipid Syndrome. A Case Report.
- Matthew Anacleto-Dubarno – Occult Pan-Aortitis in a Patient with Reactive Arthritis. A Case Report.
- Aurélie Mourot – Refractory Gout: A Potential Sign of a Life-Threatening Disease.
- Thomas Audet – Improving Gout Care in a Canadian Academic Medical Centre Through a Multidisciplinary Nurse-led Program.
- Olga Tsyruk – Conduction Disorders/Dysrhythmias and Hydroxychloroquine in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Leah Flatman – Rotavirus Vaccine in Offspring Exposed to Tumour Necrosis Factor Inhibitors Does Not Increase Diarrhea-Associated Healthcare Events: Real-world Evidence to Guide Best Practices.
- Laurie Champagne – Variants génétiques associés aux fractures atypiques des fémurs, une revue narrative de la littérature.
- Sabrina Hoa – Characterization of Incident Interstitial Lung Disease in Late Systemic Sclerosis.
- Laëtitia Michou – Évolution des causes spécifiques de décès dans la maladie osseuse de Paget au Québec et comparaison à la population générale.
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Recognize a variety of complex rheumatological entities and manage them.
- Identify, understand and discuss the nature and results of recent research work done by their peers.
“What have Canadians learned about conquering new-onset RA?”
Vivian Bykerk, MD, FRCPC
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to provide answers to the following questions:
- Discuss the progress made in RA treatment by earlier interventions.
- Apply the findings of Canadian studies to treatment of patients with early RA.
- Optimize early identification and management of patients with early RA.
“B Cell Directed CAR T Cells: a Promising Tool for Systemic Autoimmune Diseases?”
Michael Sebag, MD, PhD, FRCPC
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to provide answers to the following questions:
- Understand the principles of B cell directed CAR T cell therapy.
- Discuss their use and benefits in managing hematologic malignancies.
- Discuss their potential benefit and use in systemic autoimmune disease.
“The 2023 ACR/EULAR APS Classification Criteria from a Rheumatologist’s Perspective”
Dr Antonio Cabral, MD
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Underline novel aspects of the 2023 ACR/EULAR antiphospholipid syndrome classification criteria.
- Discuss that this classification finally acknowledges that APS may have multiple clinical expressions.
- Use the case of thrombocytopenia to illustrate how the new set of criteria is based on self-evident biased experts’ diagnoses to classify what APS is and what it is not.
“State of the Art in Molecular Characterization of RA”
Vivian Bykerk, MD, FRCPC
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Understand and discuss the Accelerated Medicines Partnership® (AMP) initiatives relevant to RA.
- Understand and discuss the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in RA.
- Plan individualized management strategies to improve treatment response in patients with RA.
“Pot-pourri en ostéoporose”
Suzanne Morin, MD, MSc, FRCP, FACP
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Discuss the evaluation of fracture risk and the treatment of male osteoporosis according to the new Canadian practice guidelines.
- Discuss the role of bone forming agents in the treatment of osteoporosis with fracture.
- Develop a management plan for atypical femoral fractures in the setting of prolonged bisphosphonate intake.
- Reem Farhat – Therapeutic drug monitoring of azathioprine and tacrolimus in SLE pregnancies: Preliminary results from the LEGACY cohort
- Leah Flatman – Tumour Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Use and Discontinuation Among Pregnant Women with Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
- Marie-Laurence Laliberté – CGiant Cell Arteritis in a Patient with Limited Systemic Sclerosis Treated with Tocilizumab; A Case Report
- Jean-Charles Mourot – Diagnostic Performance of a Newly-Launched Canadian Fast-Tract Ultrasound Clinic Performed by Rheumatologists for the Diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis
- Ange Christelle Ngeuleu Moukam – Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Interstitial Lung Disease: a Case Series
- Olga Tsyruk – Safety and ImmUnogenicity of COVID-19 vaCCines in systemic immune mediated inflammatory Diseases (SUCCEED): Preliminary results
- Laetitia Michou – Développement d’un cours en ligne accrédité sur la médecine de précision destiné aux rhumatologues et résidents en rhumatologie de la province de Québec.
- Sabrina Hoa – Retrospective study on the role of quantitative chest computed tomography in predicting disease progression in mild scleroderma-related interstitial lung disease.
The Power of the Patient Voice in Helping Us Transform Rheumatology
Susan Bartlett, PhD
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Describe the evolution of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in Rheumatology.
- Identify how PROs increase efficiency and inform goal setting and decision-making.
- Discuss how PROs enhance patient and provider satisfaction with care.
Pathogenesis of Giant Cell Arteritis.
Maria C. Cid, MD
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Discuss the inflammatory pathways involved in GCA and the experimental evidence supporting them.
- Understand the unique aspects of GCA compared with other chronic inflammatory diseases.
- Understand how pathogenesis may impact emergence o new targeted therapies in the near future and how the clinical impact of targeted therapies may add proof of concept to the pathogenesis model.
Osteosarcopenia: Where muscle, bone and fat collide
Gustavo Duque,MD, PhD, FRACP, FGSA
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Describe the pathophysiology of osteosacopenia from an interorgan communication perspective
- Discuss the clinical phenotype of osteosarcopenia, including diagnostic criteria and biomarkers
- Present clinical pathways to evaluate and treat older persons with osteosarcopenia
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) in patients with systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a Respirologist’s perspective
Deborah Assayag, MD, MAS
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Recognize the lung manifestations of autoimmune diseases.
- Review the lung-specific investigations for ILD in autoimmune diseases.
- Develop an approach to treatment for ILD in autoimmune disease.
New advances in the treatment of GCA
Maria C. Cid, MD
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Discuss classical treatment of GCA, its limitations and ways to overcome them.
- Revise new advances in the treatment of GCA.
- Discuss emerging targeted therapies with their potential advantages and limitations.
- Marieke Alexandra Neyer – A Cross-Sectional Study of Factors Associated with Sleep Disturbance in Systemic Sclerosis: A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Cohort Study
- Nora Østbø Mork – Use and Perceptions of Nutrition Information Resources Among People with Systemic Sclerosis from the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN)
- Sabrina Provencher – Cross-Sectional Study on Factors Associated with Symptoms of Anxiety and Depresssion among People with Systemic Sclerosis: A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Cohort Study
- Dre Aurélie Mourot – Seronegative Polyarthritis in Association with Anti-NXP2 Autoantibodies: A Case Series and Literature Review
- Dr Boulos Haraoui – Effectiveness and safety of tofacitinib in Canadian patients with rheumatoid arthritis with vs without cardiovascular risk factors: a subgroup analysis of the multicentre, observational CANTORAL study
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: Vaccines in Rheumatology
Dre Ines Colmegna
At the end of this session, participants will have better knowledge of:
- Recognize the importance of rheumatologists in promoting vaccines for immunosuppressed patients with chronic rheumatic diseases.
- Reflect on the value of patient-centered, multimethod, implementation research supported by cross-specialty collaboration.
- Critically analyze the evidence on the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in rheumatic diseases.
Intérêt de l’éducation thérapeutique du patient dans les maladies rhumatologiques
Dre Catherine Beauvais
At the end of this session, participants will have better knowledge of:
- Therapeutic Patient Education (TPE): the French recommendations and rheumatology practice.
- Relevance of TPE to security skills of patients treated with biologics.
- Contribution of TPE in self-management of rheumatic diseases.
Insights from the Hopkins Lupus Cohort
Dre Michelle Petri
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Review corticosteroid toxicity in SLE.
- Consider multi factorial causality of organ damage in SLE.
- Confront the major burden of non-adherence in SLE.
- Analyse the benefit of therapeutic drug monitoring in SLE.
Guest Speakers (2021)
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Identify, understand and discuss the nature and results of recent research work done by their peers.
Dr Robert D Inman
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Identify gut-joint trafficking in AS
- Demonstrate T cell dysregulation in AS
- Recognize the potential for novel targets in AS
Dr Laëtitia Michou
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Recognize and discuss the epidemiological variations of Paget’s disease
- Illustrate how the pathophysiology of Paget’s disease can explain these variations
- Explain the clinical implications of the rarefaction of Paget’s disease
IgG4 Related Diseases
Dr Hughes Allard-Chamard
At the end of this session, participants will be better able to:
- Define what IS and what is NOT an IgG4 disease
- Briefly establish what we know about the development of IgG4 disease
- Define the rational use of paraclinical tests in IgG4 disease
Guest Speakers (2019)
Dr William Rigby: “Revelations and Continued Mysteries in Rheumatoid Arthritis”
Dre Alessandra Bruns: “How Useful is Ultrasound in RA”
Dr Simon Carette: “Mise à jour sur les vasculites systémiques des petits vaisseaux (VPV)”
Dr Alison Clifford: “Giant cell arteritis: are we moving beyond a biopsy?”
Professeur David Isenberg: “The Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – Past Imperfect; Future Tense”
Dr Évelyne Vinet: “Lupus: A Case of Female Discrimination”
At the end of the Conference, participants will be better able to:
- Identify, understand and discuss the nature and results of recent research work done by their peers.
- Understand the role of biomarkers in precision care of systemic autoimmune diseases.
- Recognize the links between cancer and systemic autoimmune diseases and the autoimmune consequences of checkpoint inhibitors used in cancer treatment.
- Optimize the care of patients with rheumatic diseases throughout the ages of life: childhood, transition to adulthood, depression throughout adulthood and pain management in our oldest patients.
This conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange with colleagues and to honour those who have had a particular impact on the local and international rheumatology community.
Past Speakers (2018)
Dr Marvin J Fritzler (Calgary, AB) : “Biomarker Discoveries in Systemic Rheumatic Diseases (SRD)” et “Everything You Didn’t Want to Know about anti-DNA, and More”
Dr Sasha Bernatsky (Montréal, QC) : « Lupus and Cancer »
Dr Laura Cappelli (Baltimore, MD, USA) : “Checkpoint Inhibitors and Immune-Related Adverse Events”
Dr Julie Couture (Montréal, QC) : « Ces petits qui deviendront grands »
Dr Elizabeth Hazel (Montréal, QC) : “iGen in a GenX World”
Dr Brett Thombs (Montréal, QC) : “Depression in the rheumatology clinic: How common is it and what can you do about it?”
Dr David Lussier (Montréal, QC) : « La douleur chronique chez les patients âgés : une approche multidimensionnelle »
At the end of the Conference, participants will be better able to:
- Identify, understand and discuss the nature and results of recent research work done by their peers.
- Understand the role of biomarkers in precision care of systemic autoimmune diseases.
- Recognize the links between cancer and systemic autoimmune diseases and the autoimmune consequences of checkpoint inhibitors used in cancer treatment.
- Optimize the care of patients with rheumatic diseases throughout the ages of life: childhood, transition to adulthood, depression throughout adulthood and pain management in our oldest patients.
This conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange with colleagues and to honor those who have had a particular impact on the local and international rheumatology community.
Past Speakers (2017)
List of Guest Speakers and subjects:
Dr Cheryl Barnabe: “Rheumatic Diseases in Canadian Aboriginal Populations”
Dr Iain McInness: “Possibilities, Pragmatism and Penury in the Future Treatment of RA” and “The Changing Paradigm of RA – How Early is Early?”
Dr Steven Greenberg: “Inclusion-body Myositis”
Dr Océane Landon-Cardinal: “Pure and Overlap Auto-immune Myositis”
Dr Keneboyinza Nagaraju: “Pathogenesis of Adult Autoimmune Myositis”
At the end of the Conference, participants will be better able to:
- Identify, understand and discuss the nature and the results of recent research work done by their peers.
- Recognize care gaps pertinent to Indigenous populations with arthritis and know how to attempt to close these gaps and deliver patient-centered care.
- Know about and integrate new therapeutic agents to existing ones for the best cost-effective outcomes in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Understand and recognize early Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Know and understand the pathogenesis, classification and therapeutic targets in autoimmune adult myositis.
This conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange with colleagues and to honor those who have had a particular impact on the local and international rheumatology community.
Past Speakers (2016)
Dr. Hugo Chapdelaine (Université de Montréal) : “Les maladies auto-inflammatoires chez l’adulte“
Dr. Anne-Laure Chetaille (Université Laval) : “Comprendre les maladies auto-inflammatoires en 2016“
Dr. Cindy Flower (University of the West Indies, Barbados) : “A Story of Chikungunya“
Dr. Marie Hudson (Université McGill) : “Epigenetics and Auto-immune Inflammatory Diseases: Searching for the Grail“
Dr. Henri Ménard (Université McGill) : “Precision Medicine, Panomics and Rheumatoid Arthritis“
Dr. Richard Menzies (Université McGill) : “Diagnosis and Treatment of Latent TB in Rheumatologic Patients – Who Needs It?“
Dr. Brian Ward (Université McGill) : “Biologics: Providing Job Security for Infectious Disease Specialist“
At the end of the Conference, participants will be better able to:
- Understand epigenetic mechanisms and their role in systemic autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
- Know, understand and apply the principles of P4 Medicine to the care of patients with rheumatic diseases.
- Know and understand the complex spectrum of auto-inflammatory diseases so that they may recognize them and be better members of the care team for patients with one or the other of these diseases.
- Know and understand the infectious disease risks in patients with systemic auto-immune inflammatory rheumatic diseases, particularly those taking immune-suppressive therapy.
- Adopt preventative and therapeutic measures against viral, mycobacterial and other infectious diseases in patients with systemic inflammatory auto-immune rheumatic diseases.
- Identify, understand and discuss the nature and results of recent research work done by their peers.
This conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange with colleagues and to honor those who have had a particular impact on the local and international rheumatology community.
Past Speakers (2015)
The 2105 program focused on ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and epidemiology pearls. Our speakers of national and international renown will share their knowledge and expertise with our audience.
Liste des conférenciers invités :
Ankylosing Spondylitis:
Professeur Maxime Dougados
Université René Descartes, Paris V
Service de rhumatologie B
Hôpital Cochin
Paris, France
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis:
Dr Proton Rahman, MD, FRCP(C)
Professor of Medicine
Division of Rheumatology
Associate Dean, Clinical Research
Memorial University
St-Johns, NL
Dr Marc Bourcier, MD, FRCP(C)
Clinique de dermatologie
Moncton, NB
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE):
Dr Paul Fortin, MD, FRCP(C), MPH.
Professeur titulaire
Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec
Université Laval
Québec, QC
Dr Évelyne Vinet, MD, MSc, FRCP(C)
Professeur Adjoint
Université McGill
Montréal, QC
Epidemiology Pearls:
Dr Louis Bessette, MD, MSc, FRCP(C)
Professeur adjoint de clinique
Université Laval
CHU de Québec, Pavillon CHUL
Québec, QC
At the end of the Conference, participants will be better able to:
- Understand epigenetic mechanisms and their role in systemic autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
- Know, understand and apply the principles of P4 Medicine to the care of patients with rheumatic diseases.
- Know and understand the complex spectrum of auto-inflammatory diseases so that they may recognize them and be better members of the care team for patients with one or the other of these diseases.
- Know and understand the infectious disease risks in patients with systemic auto-immune inflammatory rheumatic diseases, particularly those taking immune-suppressive therapy.
- Adopt preventative and therapeutic measures against viral, mycobacterial and other infectious diseases in patients with systemic inflammatory auto-immune rheumatic diseases.
- Identify, understand and discuss the nature and results of recent research work done by their peers.
This conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange with colleagues and to honor those who have had a particular impact on the local and international rheumatology community.
Past Speakers (2014)
- Dr Jacob Karsh : De-novo Acquired Immune Deficiency, as it pertains to Rheumatology.
- Dr William Rigby : Iatrogenic Acquired Immune Deficiency.
- Dr Emil Nashi : The Role of Therapeutic IV Immunoglobulin in the Management of Rheumatic Diseases.
- Dr Michael Walsh : The Role of Plasmapheresis in the management of Rheumatic Diseases.
- Dr John H. Stone : Presentation 1: IgG4 disease. Presentation 2: Pearls in Vasculitis.
- Dr Sophie Roux : Risques et bénéfices des agents anti-résorptifs dans la prévention et le traitement de l’ostéoporose.
- Dr Suzanne Morin : Risques et bénéfices du calcium pour l’os et pour le coeur.
Past Speakers (2013)
Dr. Gillian Hawker
University of Toronto
Dr. Johanne Martel-Pelletier
University of Montreal
Dr. Jean-Pierre Pelletier
University of Montreal
Dr. Julio C. Fernandes
University of Montreal
Dr. Suzanne Morin
McGill University
Dr. C. Douglas Smith
University of Ottawa
Professor Daniel Wendling
Université de Franche-Comté
Past Speakers (2012)
Dr Sasha Bernasky
Université McGill, Montréal
Dr Josiane Bourré-Tessier
Université de Montréal
Dr Ann Clarke
Université McGill, Montréal
Dr David Isenberg
University College London, London, UK
Dr Tuhina Neogi
Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Dr Evelyne Vinet
Université McGill, Montréal
Past Speakers (2011)
Simon Carette MD
University Hospital Network
Toronto, ON
Bernard Combe MD, PhD
Hopital Lapeyronie,
CHU Montpelier, France
Marc Hochberg MD, MPH
University of Maryland,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Past Speakers (2010)
Edmond-Jean Bernard, MD, FRCPC
Professeur adjoint de clinique
Service de gastro-entérologie
Hôtel-Dieu du CHUM
Montréal, QC.
Ciaran Duffy, MB, BCH, MSC, FRCPC
Director, Division of Pediatric Rheumatology
Associate Pediatrician-in-Chief
Montreal Children’s Hospital, MUHC
Montreal, QC.
John Esdaile, MD, MPH, FRCPC
Professor of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology
Department of Medicine, University of British-Columbia
Scientific Director, Arthritis Research Centre of Canada
Vancouver, BC
Denis Marleau, MD, CSPQ
Professeur titulaire
Service d’hépatologie
Hôpital St-Luc du CHUM
Montréal, QC.
Errol Marliss, MD, FRCPC
Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Royal Victoria Hospital, MUHC
Director, McGill Nutrition and Food Science Centre
Montréal, QC.